Monday, March 31, 2008

Trebuchet and the laws of Engagement

I like the Font Trebuchet. I don't know why. Whenever I say that I like something, I feel like there has to be some well founded reasoning behind it. Like I can't arguably like the font Trebuchet unless it has a smooth, comforting character with just a hint of mischevious fun. Which I guess it does.

It's like love for me. Sometimes, I wonder if love can be justifiable. Or even if it can be, should it be. I mean, if you justify love, then is it love, or is it good reasoning? Love loses value when it is supported with good reasoning. It becomes less about how much I'd give for you, simply because I love you, and more about how much I'd give for you, because the relationship is beneficial to both of us and I think you'll do a good job supporting me either monetarily or emotionally for the rest of my life and you'd make a good father or mother. It loses something there. It's no longer sacrificial. It no longer seeks the benefit of the other, regardless the cost.

My girlfriend and I are starting to feel like we're cheating. We've started to enthusiastically talk about marriage together, what kind of house we want, or how we could make it work within the next three years and the like.

I love it. It's so exciting, but we aren't engaged. Are you allowed to talk about marriage, and tell the other person you want to marry them before your engaged? Not that we haven't been engaged before, we have. It's just that we've both changed a lot since then, not that since then has been too terribly long, only like a month or three. We've decided not to get engaged until we for sure have a date set and the like, because thats what everyone expects. So we play along with their game, entirely discontent with the prospect of waiting at least another two years, and "date." I, personally, think its more like patience than dating. We both know what we want, and where we want to go, but it's just a matter of going there at the right time, so that everything happens the way it should. After all, we're aren't stupid. We're just in love.

I like the font Trebuchet. Its my favorite font of fonts. If I were to love a font, it would be Trebuchet. It feels simple, yet elegant, like a Kinkajou. Playful while retained. Proper with a mischevious smile. Polite and adventurous. The kind of font that makes you feel like there's more being said than just whats in the words.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Important thing is Persistence

I love Calvin and hobbes.

There are all these books at my local library that I want to read. Right now, I'm reading Saint. I'm on page 272. The thing is, I don't have a library card. So whenever I want to further my progress, I have to drive to my library, which is like 10 minutes away, and then hope nobody else wants to read a fantastic book that anyone in their right mind would want to read. Easy Peasy, right? wrong. My parents don't like wasting Gas, which is understandable, considering I just filled up a small car at 3.39 a gallon last Tuesday. It was sick.

So I'm in a pickle. No way would my parents just up and let me go to the library just to read a book. Its too expensive. So now I have to go to the library to study, or to look for another movie to rent, or... you get the idea. And I just happen to also read another 100 pages of Saint... no big deal, right?

My mom bought some pizza sticks the last time she went to Sam's Club so we could try them. They're freaking amazing. Well, they TASTE freaking amazing. I think the calories could kill a cat. And I think they like to burn your tongue. It's like their defense mechanism, helps them survive.

I wonder if burnt tongues have a defense mechanism... I should ask mine.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Bubble in my Heart

Running and jumping alive as can be,
She darts to and fro giddier than me
Craving in her eye
Daphne in nature
She is the essence of beauty,
The definition of adventure
Always chasing, always darting
Flirting with the essence of excitement
Watching her is like dancing,
Seeing her grace like the moonlight on a quiet lake
Graceful as the dove who perches
Precious as a field of daffodils rolling through the breeze
How love embodies a girl
Perfect in nature and composure to my eyes
Changing eyes,
Those eyes that sparkle with the moonlight,
Resting softly upon my shoulder.
My breath short, upon wondering
I find no reason for her assuredness in me
So all the closer I hold her, exploring her shoulder with my touch
Matching my rhythm to hers
How sweet love divine
How marvelous it feels
As her quiet magnitude overwhelms me
The depth of her spirit
As bottomless as the Atlantic
She is my comfort in a broken land
My ground on which I stand to reach the world.
How could I ever dream of more?

Thursday, March 27, 2008


He chooses, he pursues, he rescues, he cherishes.

He loves.

Ever since I read this in "black" by Ted Dekker, I haven't been able to get it out of my head. Love is like a play, they said. You choose her the way God chose you. You pursue her in the spirit God pursued you. You rescue her like God rescued you. You cherish her in the same manner that God cherishes you. This is how you love. Love is without condition. I guess I'm not on the most popular opinion of love right now, because nobody has liked what I've said. You love with no respect to yourself. After all, Love is selfless. If the one who loved put himself, or even concern for his well being before his love, is he really loving at all? People say that relationships are a 50 - 50 deal. You give as much as you get. But how can love be sacrificial if you refuse to give more than you believe you've recieved? How can one honestly love someone else when they pay as much attention to their own needs as to their partners? You can't Love two masters at once, and You can't love yourself and someone else at the same time. Love pays no attention to itself, it always looks for the others benefit. It always jumps to sacrifice whatever must be put aside to meet the needs of the other. This is Love. This is how God loves us. He sacrificed his own son, and gave his own life, for our benefit. To meet our needs.

Are blogs supposed to be rants? I think I don't know how to blog... odd. I feel like a blog is supposed to relate to your day. I guess this does, in a weird this-is-my-life-up-to-today way.

The thing about God's love is that its overpowering. When you experience this kind of one sided commitment, this ultimate denial of self with no expectation of return, it overcomes you. You hate yourself. You desire change. This is why I believe in it so thoroughly, to the point that I disagree with my own mother when she says that if your in an abusive relationship you should get out. This kind of love, this raw, selfless, overpowering love, is what draws others to the realization that they need

I like frisbee. Its snowing outside, and that is frustrating, because I can't play frisbee...